Anjana Sukani Hot

This winter is going to be all about the 1950's /1970's inspired look. Long trenchcoats, 50's dresses, high waisted trousers, bootcut jeans, flare trousers and the military androgynous look. With London fashion week fast approaching, there are some previews from specific designers and the collections look amazing. The military look is going to be a big thing in winter 2010/2011. If you remember last year we had the Michael Jackson tribute military jacket going on however this year it's more about long military trench coats. Over Knee boots are another major fashion trend for this season that can be combined with boot cut skinny fir jeans and the trench coat.

The dresses this season are influenced by the 1950s, the anticipation of all those luxury long dresses and the high waited polka dot dresses coming back is keeping fashionistas up at night. In terms of 50s fashions, the dresses back then have influenced our styles and how we dress today. Celebrities like Zooey Deschanel have helped expose the 50's look as she always went for a 50's / 60's look with all the vintage outfits and dresses she wears.

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